For more information, please submit an intake form.

About The Program

Providing greater insights and solutions.

Predictive analytics has enormous potential to enhance clinical outcomes, patient experience and overall healthcare delivery. Building machine learning models based on past patient data enables us to plan for what may happen in the future. As a national leader in data science, the University of Chicago Medicine draws on many departments across campus with expertise in the development and deployment of these methodologies.

In 2019, the Analytic Interventions Unit (AIU) was formed to identify significant clinical applications of predictive analytics and support the development, deployment and evaluation of these initiatives at UChicago Medicine.

The AIU fosters innovation through provisioning of accurate and actionable predictive tools that improve clinical decision support, and ensures safe and effective application that protects quality of care for our patients.

UChicago medical colleagues discussing patient care
A Diverse Portfolio

Current Focus Areas

The AIU is currently supporting a diverse portfolio of predictive analytics initiatives, either in-development or in-production, focused in the following clinical and operational areas:

  • Sepsis risk (adult and pediatric)
  • Hospital readmission risk
  • Inpatient length of stay
  • Inpatient risk of falls
  • Ambulatory risk of no-show
  • Scheduling optimization
group of medical professionals looking at computer screens together
Guiding the Project Team

Model Deployment Approach

The AIU works with clinical and operational leaders across the UChicago Medicine health system to identify priority areas where predictive interventions may help advance patient care. A clinical or operational sponsor works with the project team to guide the project: prioritization; development or configuration of the predictive model; incorporation within the clinical workflow; validation of model data inputs and outputs; and integration of the model into the health system’s technical architecture.

The AIU supports each stage of the model development and deployment process outlined below and coordinates resources needed for the successful implementation and evaluation of each predictive initiative:

Sanchin, AIU Lead
GDC Launch
How Things Work

The Process

  • Stakeholder submits AIU Intake Form

      • Fill out this form for both completed models and ideas for models that have not yet been built
  • AIU reviews submission and responds to stakeholder

    • Review based on feasibility, safety, and priority (based on Annual Operating Plan focus areas)
    • Due to limited bandwidth, not all requests can be filled
  • Stakeholder invited to present model to the AIU committee

  • If model is not yet built, AIU will work with stakeholder to build it

  • AIU validates the model’s accuracy for its intended intervention

  • AIU deploys and validates the model in Epic

  • Users may begin to incorporate the model into their workflow

  • AIU continues to monitor the model regularly

If you have questions, please reach out directly to the HDSI team.

AIU Team Members

Providing strategic direction and operational support.

The AIU is comprised of leaders in clinical quality, informatics, data and analytics, and information technology who provide strategic direction and operational support needed for implementation of predictive models across the healthcare system.