A One UChicago Initiative

Launching a Tool to Improve Data Access

A transformative collaboration will build a unified data repository to provide faster access to data and propel advancements in healthcare delivery, research, and operational efficiency at the University of Chicago and UChicago Medicine health system.

The Biological Sciences Division and UChicago Medicine, in partnership with the health system Chief Medical Officer’s team, the Center for Research Informatics, and Information Services teams, are at the forefront of this initiative, which will leverage self-service tools and personalized support to dramatically expand access to data.

Transforming Data into Action

The ADAMS Center

The ADAMS Center: Ask, Discover, Act, Measure, Share.

The UChicago ADAMS Center will join a network of ADAMS Centers around the world. By identifying and supporting priority projects, as well as training and consulting on the self-service platform for all users, the ADAMS Center propels research and quality improvement initiatives for the health system and the University. The ADAMS Center supports staff, faculty, and trainees on the journey to achieving perfect care.

ADAMS Center flower - Ask Discover Act Measure Share
The Nuts and Bolts

Key Components

  • Building a centralized data repository that integrates clinical, quality , claims, finance, and administrative data from across the health system. This single source of truth will serve as a robust foundation to foster synergy among teams and enable new insights which should lead into actions.
  • Training users to perform their own data queries and view data within the platform
  • Personalized assistance that will include an in-person “help center” to support the tool and fulfill data requests.
  • Partnership with MDClone, a leading innovator in building clinical data platforms, to support this ambitious endeavor. MDClone facilitates the creation of data repositories and provides multilayered privacy options, including synthetic data. This approach promotes data democratization while upholding the highest standards of privacy.
A Work in Progress

Launch Planned for Early Fall

The ADAMS Center implementation planning began in the fall, 2023. The teams anticipate spending the next few months laying the infrastructure groundwork, with the first datasets for specific-use cases expected to be available in early summer. The full go-live of the first datasets will be in early fall. This timeline aligns with our commitment to thorough planning to ensure the success of this collaborative venture.

Early priority areas for the health system include medication stewardship, lab stewardship, and radiology stewardship, though all staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to explore their own topics.

Learn More

Reach out to the Center

To learn more or get in touch with the ADAMS Center team, please fill out the Interest Form or email adamscenter@uchicagomedicine.org.