Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Annie Guinane, RD

Department: Transplant Surgery

Email Address:

Role: Staff (non-nurse)

Project Lead: Anesia Reticker, PharmD / Pharmacy

Project Collaborators:

  • Annie Guinane, RD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Jenna Boznos, PharmD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Courtney Kelley, APN / Staff (non-nurse)

Departments Included in Project: Ambulatory Services, Medicine, Pharmacy, Surgery, Other, Nutrition

Project Classification: Effectiveness, Patient Centeredness

Does the work incorporate equity?

Patients with higher BMIs (i.e. >35 kg/m2) are often excluded from acess to transplant due to their habitus. This clinic offers a unique and innovative service that offers a care pathway for these patients who were previously instructed to return to our clinic once losing weight on their own. This clinic provides equitable care to a previously discriminated and underserved population.

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Ambulatory Access to Care, Patient Experience, Mortality Reduction, Diabetes Management

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