Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Nabiel Mir, MBBS

Department: Medicine/Oncology

Email Address:

Role: Fellow

Project Lead: Lauren Gleason, MD MPH / Medicine/Geriatrics

Project Collaborators:

  • Kimisha Cassidy, MS / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Kelley Macdonald, BSW MHA / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Patricia Lee, MD / Fellow

Departments Included in Project: Inpatient Services, Medicine, Social Work,

Project Classification: Safety

Project Notes/Comments:

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Does the work incorporate equity?

The project inherently promotes equitable care by focusing on the South Side of Chicago, a region housing many indigent patients. Our study aims to improve the quality of healthcare transitions in this area, where residents often face disparities in medical services. Our Transition of Care (TOC) survey, with its detailed social determinants of health components, will play a critical role in identifying and addressing potential disparities in healthcare transitions and outcomes. By fostering robust communication between stakeholders and analyzing specific challenges faced by this demographic, we aspire to craft strategies that ensure optimal and personalized care for every patient, regardless of their background. As we progress, we aim to establish a unified communication system, embracing the nuanced needs of our patient population, ultimately fostering an environment where equitable care is a tangible reality.

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Hospital Readmissions, Patient Experience

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