Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Romy Portieles Pena,

Department: Pritzker School of Medicine

Email Address:

Role: Student

Project Lead: Valerie Press, MD, MPH / Department of Medicine

Project Collaborators:

  • Andrea Bundy, APN / Nurse
  • Kate Sullivan, MPH, MBA / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Kyle Carey, BS, MPH / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Mengqi Zhu, BS, MS / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Rajlakshmi Krishnamurthy, MD / Faculty

Departments Included in Project: Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine,

Project Classification: Timeliness, Effectiveness, Efficiency

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Hospital Readmissions, Ambulatory Access to Care, Patient Experience, Length of Stay

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