Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Laura Celmins, PharmD

Department: Pharmacy

Email Address:

Role: Staff (non-nurse)

Project Lead: Laura Celmins, PharmD / Pharmacy

Project Collaborators:

  • Alisha Patel, PharmD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Adrienne Perotti, PharmD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Anastasia Rujevcan, PharmD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Gourang Patel, PharmD / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Denise Scarpelli, PharmD MBA / Staff (non-nurse)
  • Thomas Spiegel, MD MBA / Faculty
  • Hui Zhang, PhD / Faculty
  • Daniel Bickley, MD / Faculty
  • Thomas Chen, MD PharmD / Faculty

Departments Included in Project: Medicine, Pharmacy, Other, Emergency Medicine

Project Classification: Timeliness, Effectiveness, Patient Centeredness

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Hospital Readmissions, Ambulatory Access to Care, Patient Experience, Length of Stay

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