Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Vanshika Narala,

Department: Pritzker School of Medicine

Email Address:

Role: Student

Project Lead: Marion Henry, MD, MPH / Pediatric Traumatic Surgery

Project Collaborators:

Departments Included in Project: Pediatrics, Pritzker School of Medicine, Surgery,

Project Classification: Safety, Effectiveness

Project Notes/Comments:

By increasing prevention, we hope to increase the effectiveness of individuals receiving care and ensure community safety.

Does the work incorporate equity?

This work incorporates equity by analyzing the demographics of patients to understand the racial, gender, ethnic, income, and geographical conditions of patients and use this information to incorporate preventative methods in an effective manner. Thus, this work hopes to target specific neighborhoods with high incidence of falls and allocate more resources to establishing preventative programs in those resources to ensure overall optimal outcomes for the entire community.

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Mortality Reduction

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