Poster Details

Poster Submitter: Benjamin Wurst,

Department: Data Science and Analytics (DSA)

Email Address:

Role: Staff (non-nurse)

Project Lead: Benjamin Wurst, / Data Science & Analytics (DSA)

Project Collaborators:

Departments Included in Project: Other, Data Science and Analytics (DSA)

Project Classification: Safety, Timeliness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Patient Centeredness

Project Notes/Comments:

The Clinical Priority Scorecard reports on quality measures across all 5 categories.

Does the work incorporate equity?

The purpose of this project was to significantly increase the visibility, access, and interpretability of quality metric performance across demographic groups. It achieves this by streamlining the breakout of multiple quality measures into a single view with two comparator groups. As a result, 100+ quality measures across the system (UCMC, IMH, and PHA) are now available to view by race, ethnicity, or the combination of race and ethnicity.

Does this work address any of the UChicago Medicine quality priorities as listed on the Clinical Excellence Scorecard?

Healthcare-Associated Infections, Hospital Readmissions, Ambulatory Access to Care, Patient Experience, Mortality Reduction, Length of Stay, Diabetes Management, Hypertension Management, Cancer Screening

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