HDSI Project

Skip the Drips – Reining In Unnecessary Continuous Intravenous Infusions

Click here to read about this study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Nikhil Bassi
UChicago Medicine Project Liaison(s):

Andy Levy, MD, Nikhil Bassi, MD, Matthew Sorrentino, M.D. (Section of Cardiology), J.P. Kress (Section of Pulmonology), Anna Zisman, M.D. (Section of Nephrology), K. Gautham Reddy, M.D. (Section of Gastroenterology), Emmanuel Coronel, M.D. (Fellow, Section of Gastroenterology), Sarah Sokol, PharmD (Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Critical Care), Kristin Tuiskula, PharmD (Clinical Coordinator, Medication Safety),