Healthcare Management Analytics Lab – UChicago Booth
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Assessing the Performance of a Chemotherapy Infusion

In this project you will analyze the patient waiting-time performance of the infusion center at Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine in UCM, which is a part of one of the top cancer programs in the nation. A patient episode of chemotherapy is complex and may involve multiple steps within the same day, including doctor appointments, lab tests, drug preparation, and infusion. Given the high volume of patients seen, choreographing these steps to occur with little or no patient waiting is an ongoing challenge yet critical to the mission and continued success of the infusion center.

You will first assess patients’ sensitivity to waiting by correlating patient satisfaction surveys with actual waiting time statistics. Then, you will determine the underlying causes of waiting times by analyzing detailed operational data, and make recommendations for performance improvement. You will also design a visualization dashboard with Key Performance Indicators that administrators can use to monitor operational performance. This project will give you hands-on exposure to the detailed operations of one of the busiest and most financially significant parts of the hospital.

UChicago Medicine Project Liaison(s):

Walter Stadler, MD ,