2018 Nursing Solutions Research Grant Winner

Assessing the Impact of Nurse-Led Initiatives to Promote High Value Care by Implementing Nursing Choosing Wisely® Recommendations:

This study will showcase the role of nursing in promoting application of the Choosing Wisely® campaign at UCM. In collaboration with Rush University College of Nursing and the School of Nursing from Vanderbilt University, an intra-disciplinary team at UCM will plan, design and implement Choosing Wisely® recommendations into clinical practice. Additionally, the team will evaluate the impact of UCM nursing-led team based initiatives in their efforts to reduce ineffective or wasteful clinical practices including the type and resulting cost savings.

UChicago Medicine Project Liaison(s):

Mary Heitschmidt, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, Department of Women, Children and Family Nursing, College of Nursing Co-Director, Center for Clinical Research & Scholarship,