
This class is designed to make you a more creative and ambidextrous thinker and to arm you with a toolkit for leading innovation and growth in the context of high risk, nebulous, and highly uncertain innovation initiatives. We will cover the foundational principles of user-centered design and prototyping through the context of solving business problems broadly, however traditional product development tools and frameworks are not the primary focus of the class.

Specific learning outcomes of this course include becoming:

  • A stronger innovation practitioner
  • A more effective manager of innovation (ability to manage the process and connect the right people/recourses/thinking to make things happen)
  • A more inspirational leader of innovation (greater ability to think creatively, teach others, and inspire others)


This class is designed to make you a more creative and ambidextrous thinker and to arm you with a toolkit for leading innovation and growth in the context of high risk, nebulous, and highly uncertain innovation initiatives.